Please note my new office address is 3295 Dufferin Street, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M6A 2T4 and that effective immediately, I will no longer have any other office address. All business will be conducted out of the Dufferin Street office.
Choosing a lawyer to handle your Real Estate needs, whether it's Residential or Commercial real estate, your Corporate needs or your Wills and Estates needs, entails much more than shopping for price! It requires finding a lawyer that you feel comfortable with and who will guide you through all of the necessary steps for the matter at hand. I am confident that when it comes to your personal or corporate needs, I will complete a thorough review of all aspects of your particular matter.
Upon using my services as your Real Estate Lawyer, Corporate Lawyer or Estates Lawyer, you will get personal consultations from the beginning to the end. Your files are always handled with the utmost care, confidentiality and professionalism and I take great pride in providing high quality and efficient legal services on a cost effective basis. Your satisfaction is of paramount importance to me... after all, a happy client is a client that comes back for many years to come!
Feel free to click on my Twitter Feed or Blog for relevant Real Estate (and other) news!
I look forward to working with you!